Scene ahead

Brigance Brigade Foundation founders O.J. Brigance, president, left, and Chanda Brigance, vice president.

Helen Mohan, Keilty Bonadio legal assistant, from left, Carol Morano, retired communications director, Lidia Mohan, college student, and Constantine Palas, longshoreman.

Jimmy Charles, country singer, from left, Lance Reeder, musician, Toby Zig, fiddle player, and Bryan Dorsey, sound engineer.

Amy Mininger, MarComFly communications consultant, left, and Doug Butschky, Level 10 Events event coordinator.

Julie Cangialosi, Operation Little Angel founder/Mrs. Maryland/event emcee, from left, Rachel St. Amour, Van Saint Group principal, and Adam St. Amour, Intelligenesis chief data scientist.

Melanie Strutz, Select Event Group account executive, from left, Robert Strutz, Northrop Grumman electronic manufacturing specialist, Clyde Hunter, Red River Technologies cloud design architect, and Stephanie Hunter, Cat1 Technology Solutions chief operating officer.

Drew Vanlandingham, Brigance Brigade Foundation executive director, from left, Dr. Stan Appel, Houston Methodist Hospital ALS Clinic director, Karen Appel, Houston Methodist Hospital ALS Clinic RN, Donald Bowers, Rice University trustee emeritus.

Nick Moore, Baltimore Ravens long snap, left, and Ryan Ripken broadcaster/media personality.

Mary Laird, Coldwell Banker Realtor, from left, Bruce Laird, former Baltimore Colt, Samantha Jones, model, and Dave Cadigan, MMA/HMS insurance broker. Sloane Brown photos

Rick Ritter, WJZ-TV evening news anchor/event emcee, from left, Ladawn Johnson, Brigance Brigade Foundation foundation coordinator, T.J. Smith, WBAL Radio show host/Foundation board member, and Bryan Bierly, Karen Bierly Foundation president.

Tory Smith, former Baltimore Ravens player, left, and Drew Hawkins, Edyoucore president/Brigance Brigade Foundation board member.

Magnolia Ridge Dog Grooming Salon owners: Gregory Lauer, Cummings Realtor, left, and Nico Crispino, Northrop realtor/interior designer.

Chekube Okokwu, financial investigator, left, and Harold Booker, Greater Baltimore Urban League workforce development and education interim director.
Scene ahead
Wednesday, March 12: Topgolf Takeover. Benefits Pathfinders for Autism. Topgolf Baltimore, 1411 Warner St.6-9 p.m. Tickets $75. pathfindersforautism.org/top-golf
Friday, March 14: Pints for Poe St. Patrick’s Party. Benefits Poe Baltimore. Carroll Mansion, 800 E. Lombard St.4-8 p.m. Tickets $39. poeinbaltimore.org/event/pints-for-poe-2025
Saturday, March 15: Spotlight on the Arts Soirée. Benefits Towson Arts Collective. The Palisades, 212 Washington Ave., Towson. 5-9 p.m. Tickets $75. towsonartscollective.org/Soiree