Baltimore needs a ‘paradigm shift’ in approach to affordable housing
Public Justice Center, Jews United for Justice and other allies look forward to continuing our work with the judiciary and a work group of stakeholders, including landlords, to simplify court forms, offer additional judicial training and provide tenants access to more legal resources. Real change to the status quo, however, begins with demanding the political courage to implement meaningful due process protections in eviction cases: a minimum number of days’ notice of a trial date, dismissal of eviction cases with defective lead paint compliance, consistent landlord accountability in court, and a right to counsel for indigent tenants. Such courage was lacking in Annapolis this past General Assembly session when even a modest due process bill that had the support of many landlord groups died in the Senate.
A right to counsel in eviction/habitability cases would require significant up-front funds from the city and/or state, or a fee charged to landlords when filing eviction cases. Yet recent studies, including
Other proactive solutions include increasing the funds available to tenants through the Department of Social Services to stop evictions and expanding Baltimore City’s landlord licensing requirement for multi-family buildings to all rental units. We see some of the worst housing conditions in older rowhomes, particularly those that have been divided into two units, yet landlords of those properties are not currently required to have a license. Obtaining a license in Baltimore City involves passing an annual health and safety inspection by Baltimore Housing and Community Development. Numerous jurisdictions, including Baltimore and Howard Counties, require one- and two-unit properties to be inspected and licensed. Baltimore City should extend its licensing requirement to all rental units to ensure the health and safety both of tenants and the surrounding neighborhood. The law should be simple: If any landlord doesn’t pass an annual inspection, then they can’t file a complaint for eviction.
Providing tenants a level playing field in court and demanding accountability from landlords is a good start. But in the long run, we need a paradigm shift in our politics around affordable housing and community development. The solution to homelessness is housing. The solution to neighborhoods plagued by vacants, crime, segregation, underperforming schools and a lack of economic opportunity is comprehensive, inclusive neighborhood revitalization. Until we collectively prioritize the creation of community-driven, quality housing that is affordable to all incomes in thriving neighborhoods, we are not attacking the root cause. The