Why you should try out cabernet franc

This is a case in which the kid outshines the parent — becomes more popular, more universally beloved, more powerful, more worldly. That is the way it’s supposed to be, right? Isn’t that the wish of all good parents, that their offspring go on to greater heights than they have? It doesn’t always work that way, but when it does, we are never surprised.
For those unaware, the red grape variety cabernet franc (say “frahnk”) is one of the parents of cabernet sauvignon, which of course is among the world’s most popular and successful wine grapes. Without cabernet franc and co-parent sauvignon blanc (yes, genetic material from a white and a red produced a red grape), the world never would have known cabernet sauvignon. But the kid gets enough attention, so let’s focus on that parent, cabernet franc.
Cabernet franc is known as a reliable blending grape, but it also makes some quite successful varietal wines. It is lighter in body than its more powerful offspring and, generally, less tannic, two qualities contributing to its charm. Depending on where it’s grown, cabernet franc has a lot going on, sending up bursts of everything from raspberry, cherry and other jammy fruits to distinct herbs, earthiness, floral and green pepper notes, a little black pepper spice and the variety’s telltale aroma of pencil shavings. Cabernet franc is approachable and nonthreatening, but also capable of offering some depth.
An early-ripening grape that appreciates cooler climates, cabernet franc is produced more in France than any other place on Earth, but it is becoming more widely grown worldwide. Despite prior speculations about where it was born, though, testing in the 1990s concluded that it most likely came into the world in the Basque region of Spain, just past France’s southwestern border and down the road a piece.
Cabernet franc is one of the permitted red grape varieties in France’s Bordeaux region, along with its aforementioned progeny cabernet sauvignon, plus merlot, malbec and petit verdot.
But the grape takes on a much bigger part in the case of Chateau Cheval Blanc, one of the world’s most respected and sought-after red wines. This legendary chateau’s vineyards are brimming with cabernet franc — two-thirds are dedicated to cabernet franc, the rest to merlot. The two grape varieties often can make up relatively equal parts of the blend (depending on vintage), with little or no cabernet sauvignon in the mix.
Cabernet franc’s various Bordeaux support contributions notwithstanding, the grape variety steps into massive leading roles in the Loire Valley of France. Wines from Chinon and Bourgueil, in particular, feature relatively high acidity, silky texture and lush, aromatic qualtities. So it’s not as if cabernet franc gets no respect; if you look at the parents of most successful people, you might see “the grape doesn’t fall far from the vine,” if you will.
The cabernet franc-dominant varietal wines from the Loire Valley stand alone for their bright acidity and compatibility with a variety of foods, particularly classic French bistro fare: steak frites, roasted chicken and duck. Generally, cabernet franc wines land closer in style to carmenere or merlot, or perhaps even pinot noir, than cabernet sauvignon. And they are affordable wines for the most part, especially for the food-friendliness and moderate aging potential they offer. You could spend several hundred dollars or more on a bottle of Chateau Cheval Blanc, or you could spend $20 or less on a relatively more common bottle of Chinon.
Cabernet franc has also had success in the Languedoc-Roussillon region in the south of France, in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Tuscany in Italy, and in many of the big New World wine-producing countries, though on a drastically smaller scale than in France. In the United States, California and Washington produce cabernet franc blends and varietal wines, as do New York, Virginia and Michigan. And in New York and Canada, cabernet franc is also sometimes used to make viscous and deliciously sweet ice wines.
With Halloween approaching, you could pour some cabernet franc and raise a glass to Gene Wilder’s character in the classic Mel Brooks movie “Young Frankenstein.” As the grandson of Dr. Frankenstein, he referred to himself as “FRAHNK-in-steen.” I’m not sure if one of his parents made that change in pronunciation or if he did it himself, but some kids will always want to break away from their ancestors and forge their own identities. When they do, it should not take anything away from the parents.
Whether you honor FRAHNK-in-steen or someone else with your toast, cabernet franc is a great autumn wine — perfect for a wide array of hearty comfort foods and easy to drink with cheeses and snacks. Enjoy it well into any evening in front of an indoor hearthstone fire or outside in the crisp open air.