1515 Forest Drive, Annapolis. 410-263-2333. pitboys.com

Don’t let the name fool you. Yes, Pit Boys can pile up a mean pit beef sandwich. But there are mallets for crabs, crackers for lobster claws and plenty of napkins for baby back ribs.

Located in Annapolis, the family business — operated by Marla and David George, and their kids Ellie, Jaime and Charlie — offers dine-in, carryout and catering for its ranging menu.

Picnic tables sprawled across the dining floor invite parties to enjoy whatever they’re in the mood for, from land or sea. Daily specials offer much of the menu at a discount and for most of the year, all-you-can-eat options can satisfy even the most ambitious stomachs.

What keeps people coming back? It’s the staff, the environment and the family feeling that comes from both.

“Everyone kind of knows each other,” Ellie George said. “It feels like you’re eating at your grandmother’s house.”

— Luke Parker