Was the abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey, who reportedly learned about his termination from a TV news report while speaking to agents in Los Angeles, appropriate? Why or why not?

President Trump is within his rights to fire the director of the FBI, however as he is the leader of this country, this citizen would have hoped he would have shown a little class and asked Director Comey into his office, thanked him for his years of service to this country and then very privately fired him. But we have an “inappropriate” leader in the White House who still thinks he’s running a reality TV show.

Barbara Blumberg, Baltimore

It was not appropriate, even though this president thinks that everything he says and does is appropriate. Check history about how appropriate and correct people like Hitler and his kind thought they were about everything that they thought and/or ordered. There should be a maximum effort on the part of our society’s leaders to learn how to detect these types of personalities, and a law that would keep them out of the general population.

Thomas Hanna, Elkridge

Despot’s Rulebook:

Lie to fit your agenda;

Denigrate the media and minimize or remove their access;

Denigrate anyone or any organization attempting to uncover facts and remove their funding;

Install toadies or relatives, regardless of their qualifications, into positions of power over others;

Demand loyalty from everyone;

Never admit to any wrongdoing;

Divert public attention from the truth, maybe drop a bomb or two on someone;

Fire anyone attempting to ferret out the truth;

Keep lying, keep lying, keep lying.

Brenda Cutter, White Hall

It was completely inappropriate to fire James Comey because of how he was fired and why he was fired. Any one with any humanity would have scheduled a meeting with the person and fired them in person. Plus, President Trump himself said the reason he decided to fire Mr. Comey was because of the “Russian thing.” It is not appropriate to fire a person who is in charge of an investigation in which you and your friends are implicated!

Betsy Schindler, Baltimore