Marley Middle School Assistant Principal Anna Ory was named Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year recently by the Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals. The award, given in collaboration with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, makes Ory eligible for the National Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year Award, which will be announced in April.

“I am deeply honored and humbled to have my work with the Marley Middle School community recognized by MASSP,” Ory said in a Jan. 2 news release. “It is a privilege to represent such a remarkable and supportive community.”

Ory is in her 17th year with Anne Arundel County Public Schools and her fifth as an assistant principal at Marley Middle School in Glen Burnie.

She regularly leads Equity Learning Walks — where a group of educators will go through parts of the school to identify areas needing improvement — for staff and town-hall-style meetings with students. Former Marley Middle School Principal Kim Winterbottom, a previous finalist for Principal of the Year, and current Principal John Noon praised Ory’s approach to school leadership, from student safety and well-being to providing resources for teachers.

“We may not have realized just how essential her actions and work were at the time but looking back, I realize that Ms. Ory would truly go above and beyond to make sure everyone felt comfortable so that every day could be a good day at Marley Middle School,” a former student wrote in Ory’s application.

The award is presented annually by MASSP to recognize educators who promote teacher and student achievement and make schools better places.

“Every great school has a phenomenal assistant principal working tirelessly behind the scenes,” said NASSP Chief Executive Officer Ronn Nozoe. “Their remarkable work not only impacts their local communities but offers inspiring models for educators nationwide.

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