Mary Reuland leaned over the hospital bed and nestled her head on the chest of Konrad Reuland, the oldest of her three football-playing boys, a 6-foot-6, 270-pound former Ravens tight end who had been in a coma for almost two weeks.

It was the morning of Dec. 12, in the intensive care unit of the UCLA Medical Center, just hours before doctors declared her 29-year-old son brain-dead from an aneurysm that ruptured behind his left eye Nov. 30.

“Something in me, I don’t know why, but maybe it’s a mother’s instinct. … I just laid my right ear on his chest and listened to his heart beating all day, from morning until we had to leave,” Mary said. “I memorized it. And I said, ‘I hope I get to hear this again one day.’ ”

Less than three months later, Mary stood arm-in-arm with her husband, Ralf, and youngest son, 24-year-old Austin, in the backyard of their San Juan Capistrano, Calif., home, eagerly awaiting the first meeting with the man who received Konrad’s heart and a kidney in a 13-hour operation Dec. 16.

From a walkway on the side of the house on that sunny Thursday afternoon emerged Rod Carew, the 71-year-old Hall of Fame baseball player, holding the hand of his wife, Rhonda, as he ambled toward the Reulands.

The 18-time All-Star, 1977 American League Most Valuable Player and seven-time batting champion was joined by two of his children, Cheyenne, 29, and Devon, 27.

Carew, who survived a massive heart attack in 2015, hugged the Reulands. After some small talk, they moved inside, where Rod, sitting on the family room sectional, handed Mary a stethoscope belonging to Ralf Reuland, a doctor.

Mary placed the device on Carew’s chest and listened for about 15 seconds. Her eyes reddened as her head sank into Carew’s shoulder.

“It was comforting in a way to hear that again, knowing that part of Konrad is still here,” Mary said. “I didn’t know until this happened that every heartbeat, like a fingerprint, is unique. It was definitely Konrad’s heart in there.”

Next was Ralf, who listened to the heart for about 20 seconds before pulling Carew’s face toward his in a warm embrace.

“It was strange to have his heart back in this home, beating in somebody else’s chest,” Ralf said. “You just can’t explain the feeling.”

Austin leaned into Carew and seemed surprised by the strength and volume of the sound in the stethoscope.

“Wow,” he said. “Hearing that roaring heartbeat of his … I don’t know, it was surreal.”

No word better describes the past four months for the Carews and Reulands, one family mourning the loss of a son and brother, the other buoyed by a second chance at life, the two now inextricably linked by Konrad’s heart and a shared desire to promote organ donation, heart and vascular health.

As the mystery surrounding the identities of donor and recipient cleared in January, one coincidence after another led the families to believe they were destined to meet.

Carew wore No. 29 throughout his 19-year career with the Minnesota Twins and Angels, and his heart attack inspired an American Heart Association “Heart of 29” campaign to increase awareness about heart disease. All Carew knew of his donor at the time of the transplant was that he was a 29-year-old man.

Konrad and his brother, Warren, now 28, and Cheyenne and Devon Carew were middle-school classmates.

About 15 years ago, a teenage Konrad met Rod Carew at a middle-school basketball game and spent the rest of the day bragging to his family that he met the Hall of Famer.

According to an official with OneLegacy, the Los Angeles-area chapter of the nationwide organ donor procurement network, this is the first time they’ve heard of anonymously matched organs between families that knew each other. It’s believed to be the first time a heart has gone from one pro athlete to another.

In Carew, the Reulands also have a source of experience, strength and hope. Carew knows the Reulands’ pain. His youngest daughter from his first marriage, Michelle, died in 1996 after a nine-month battle against leukemia. She was 18.

“Once we get to know him better, I will ask him how you get through this, how you deal with such a difficult thing,” Mary Reuland said. “It’s just another piece of the puzzle — you can’t make this stuff up. This is coming from somewhere divine. I think, from above, Konrad did choose who got his organs.”

The widow maker

Rod Carew hit his tee shot on the first hole at Corona’s Cresta Verde Golf Course down the middle of the fairway when his chest began to burn and his hands grew clammy. He drove his cart to the clubhouse, crumpled to the floor and asked a woman to call paramedics.

“The only thing I remember after that was facing the paramedic, and he had a glow around him,” Carew said. “He was there with the paddles and says, ‘Let’s go, damn it, we’re losing him!’ Then, I was gone.”

Carew’s heart stopped beating. Twice. When Carew awoke in the emergency room of Riverside Community Hospital, he was told he suffered a heart attack known as “the widow maker,” because few patients survive the ride to the hospital.

“It was a good thing I was at the first hole,” said Carew, who was golfing alone on that morning of Sept. 20, 2015, “because if I was at two or three, they would have found me out there dead.”

It began a 15-month ordeal in which Carew spent 160 days in eight hospitals and had two major surgeries before the transplant.

In October 2015, Carew had a six-hour procedure to install a computer-controlled, battery-operated pump known as a left ventricular assist device, or LVAD, which replicated the function of a heart. Carew was so weak he remained hospitalized for seven weeks.

Last July, a CAT scan revealed a subdural hematoma, a collection of blood outside the brain, that required another surgery and a six-week hospital stay, postponing Carew’s eligibility for a transplant.

Rhonda, a tireless advocate for her husband, and Carew’s doctors successfully lobbied to have Rod moved higher on the transplant priority list Dec. 9.

Five days later, Carew got the call.

On the drive to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, Rhonda texted friends about the surgery, which was eventually pushed back a day, to Dec. 16. She was confused by several responses.

“I had a few messages from people who said, ‘Do you think he’s receiving Konrad Reuland’s organs?’?” Rhonda said. “And I’m like, ‘I don’t know, why?’?”

Living life large

Konrad Reuland had a presence, and not just because of his size. “Everything about him was large,” said Mary Reuland, 55. “He lived large, he ate large, he laughed large. His personality was just large.”

He had what Mary called “an unstoppable energy.” Konrad pulled himself up out of his crib at 5 months. He began walking at 7 months.

“I put bells on his shoes, and people used to think, ‘Oh, that’s so cute,’ and I’d say, ‘That’s not for cute,’?” Mary said. “I needed to know where this kid was every minute, because he was so curious, so strong-willed, always on the go.”

Sports were the perfect outlet. Konrad played soccer, basketball and baseball as a youth and once scored 51 points in a basketball game … in the third grade.

He played basketball as a freshman at Santa Ana Mater Dei High School in 2002-03 before transferring to Mission Viejo, where he played football.

Reuland helped the Diablos to a 39-2 record in three seasons and teamed with future NFL quarterback Mark Sanchez, one of his best friends growing up, on the 2004 team that won the Southern Section Division II championship.

After two years (2006-2007) at Notre Dame, Konrad transferred to Stanford, where he played two seasons (2009-2010) with his brother, Warren. He graduated with a communications degree in 2011.

Undrafted, Reuland carved out a 30-game NFL career in which he caught 12 passes for 90 yards for the New York Jets and Ravens in 2012, 2013 and 2015. He played four games for the Ravens in 2015, starting one.

Reuland was in camp last summer with the Indianapolis Colts and worked out regularly last fall in an attempt to keep his NFL hopes alive.

“He was in the best shape of his life,” Mary said.

On Nov. 26, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Konrad was lifting weights in the gym at his Irvine apartment complex.

“He felt a click in his head,” said Ralf Reuland, 56. “After a couple minutes on the treadmill, he had the worst headache he’s ever had, right behind his left eye. He called, and I told him to get to the emergency room.”

By the time Ralf and Mary got to Mission Hospital, the aneurysm was diagnosed. Konrad was transported to UCLA Medical Center the next day. On Nov. 30, the aneurysm burst, prompting a 17-hour brain surgery.

Konrad never regained consciousness. Though his condition was complicated by pneumonia, there were moments over the next 12 days when the pressure in his brain subsided enough to provide hope.

“Then things would start to deteriorate,” Ralf said. “You’re hoping for a miracle, but there was too much swelling in his head. That did him in.”

With the television tuned to a Dec. 12 “Monday Night Football” game between the Ravens and New England Patriots, Konrad was declared brain-dead. He remained on a ventilator so his organs could be harvested.

Konrad had made the decision, with input from Mary, to become an organ donor only in April 2016, when he renewed his driver’s license.

“I told the doctors that whoever gets his heart better deserve it because it’s a good one,” Mary said. “And it’s a big one.”

Connecting the dots

Through her tears at her son’s funeral, Mary Reuland’s eyes opened to a possibility she hadn’t considered.

“I don’t know how many people came up to me at the funeral and said, ‘Do you think it’s Rod Carew who got Konrad’s organs?’?” she said. “I was in my son’s hospital room for two weeks. I had no idea what was going on in the world.”

It is recommended that donor families wait at least a year before contacting a recipient to allow the donor family time to process their grief and the recipient time to move past the greatest risk of organ rejection.

But when Mary Reuland did a Google search of Carew a few days after the funeral and saw Rod received a heart from a 29-year-old in Los Angeles, “I almost fell over,” she said. “I started hearing from so many people, ‘Is it Rod Carew?’ Then, I couldn’t let it go. It was like something that festers. I needed to know.”

Mary Reuland made the call to the organ donation company in mid-January.

“I said, ‘Listen, this train has left the station, it’s really hard for me, but we need to know, was it Rod Carew who got my son’s heart and kidney?’?” Mary said. “She was like, ‘We’ve never heard of anyone calling with the name [of a recipient].’ She paused for the longest time and said, ‘Yes, it is.’?”

The American Heart Association arranged the March 2 meeting of the families, which will be featured on “CBS Sunday Morning.” The Reulands hope it was the first of many gatherings.

“I told them when they came here, and I strongly believe this, that they are now a part of our family,” Mary Reuland said. “My son’s heart is beating in your chest. You are a part of our family, and you will be invited to family functions whether you want to come or not.”

Carew will show his gratitude by continuing his “Heart of 29” campaign work with Major League Baseball and expanding it to the NFL, joining the Reulands in their effort to raise awareness for organ donation and helping to counsel them through their grief.

And, of course, by living a full and active life with a new heart that Mary Reuland described as “a Ferrari.”

According to the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplants, the one-year survival rate for heart-transplant recipients is about 90 percent, the five-year rate is about 70 percent, and only 20 percent survive 20 years or longer.

Carew is gaining strength and balance. His appetite has returned. He’s walking short distances. He’s driving. His weight is good, about 180 pounds. He will soon begin cardiac rehabilitation. Biopsies to check for organ rejection have been clean.

When Mary and Austin Reuland went to Ascension Cemetery in Lake Forest, Calif., to decorate Konrad’s grave with balloons April 4, the day Konrad would have turned 30, Rod and Rhonda Carew showed up.

Carew left Konrad a gift, a baseball on which he wrote:

“Happy Birthday, Konrad. I promise to always care for your very priceless gifts. Until we meet again, I remain forever your brother in Christ.”

Signed, “Rod Carew.”