Simple Saturday columns focus on improving basic technique and logical thinking.
Nobody ever asserted that bridge is an easy game. In many deals, the “par” result (which obtains after the best effort from both sides) occurs because both sides make a mistake.
In today’s deal, West led the six of hearts against 3NT, and declarer played low from dummy. East took the ace and returned the ten. South’s king won, but he lacked a quick entry to dummy to try the diamond finesse. If he led a spade, East would take the ace, and the defense would cash three more hearts.
So, South desperately laid down the ace of diamonds. The king didn’t fall, and he went down two.
Both sides erred. At Trick One, South must dump his king of hearts under East’s ace. Then dummy’s jack will become an entry, and South can pick up the diamonds with a finesse and make an overtrick.
East always beats 3NT if he follows with the ten on the first heart, a play that certainly can’t cost.
You hold: ? A 8 7 4 ? A 10 3 ? K 8 2 ? 10 5 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade, he bids two clubs and you try 2NT. Partner then bids three diamonds. What do you say?
ANSWER: Partner suggests six diamonds, four clubs and extra strength. With a minimum 6-4 hand, his second bid would have been two diamonds, limiting his strength to a minimum. Cue-bid three hearts. If partner holds 2, K4, AQ10754, AK93, six diamonds will be a good spot.