Hi there! Notre Dame alum here, class of ’08. Go Irish!
Now that we’ve secured our place in the upcoming College Football Playoff, I’d like to take a moment to clear the air about our beloved football team, because there’s an awful lot of misconceptions floating around out there. Like the Yankees, Cowboys and Duke basketball, it seems we’re just one of those teams: You either love us (which I totally get) or you hate us (which I don’t).
The Bleacher Report takes a stab at it:
“Most haters of Notre Dame football derive their malice from the ‘Holier than thou’ attitude that seems to follow its legion of proud fans. The notion that good grades and endless tradition equals success against every opponent makes the rest of the country snarl.”
Banana oil! This couldn’t be further from the truth. We don’t really, truly, actually expect success — we hope for it, but that’s a different thing altogether. In fact, to the Alabamas, Ohio States, and Georgias of the college football world, I’ll say it now: We’ll never beat you in a big game. Not in a million years. We might come close, maybe even really really close. But when the game is on the line, we’ll botch a field goal or blow a coverage or slip on a shamrock. Every modern Domer knows this — we’ve seen it far too many times.
We may never beat you, but that’s mostly because we’re better than you.
See, at Notre Dame we always do things the right way, and when we do them the wrong way, we do them less wrong than you did. Your recruiting violations involve laundered money, strip clubs, escorts, luxury SUVs and a booster named Scabby who slithers around sticky towny bars. Scabby is not a good person. Our violations are phone calls made by clean-shaven men in crisp sports polos and khakis that take place outside of the official recruiting calendar, and you bet your bacon that before hanging up we inquire about granny and whether she needs anything from Kroger’s. It’s just the right — the less wrong thing to do. It’s called character.
You may have also noticed that each year we lose to a team we have absolutely no business losing to. In the last three years, we’ve lost to Marshall, a 3-9 Stanford squad, and Northern Illinois at home. These are commonly understood as calamities, embarrassments, monumental upsets — pick your descriptor. But under the Golden Dome, we call it something else: charity. Because even on the gridiron we Domers strive to put our Catholic faith into practice: The first (that’s us) shall be last (just for a sec) and the last (the other guys) shall be first (don’t get too cozy).
What about payments to players under name, image and likeness (NIL)? Now there’s a topic murkier than a papal conclave. I can’t claim to know where we get the money or how much we give out, but I’m sure it’s perfectly calibrated, exactly the right amount, fair to all sides, whatever it is. No, I don’t know that for sure, but I still know it — it’s called faith.
When it comes to recruiting, the larger question is this: Why do we willfully kneecap ourselves by adhering to such rigid standards of probity and academic excellence? Put another way, why are there no dum-dums under the Dome? That’s an easy one. It’s our penance — I never said we’re saints, although we’re pretty dang close.
Fun fact: There are actual gold flakes on our shiny helmets — 23.9 karats. Count ‘em. The furthest thing from blood karats, their origin source is the majestic 200-foot Golden Dome, topped with a 20-foot golden statue of Our Lady, that shines resplendently over campus. What’s on your helmets? Behr?
Hmm, this isn’t going quite as I’d envisioned. I just know someone’s going to twist my words. I guess what it all boils down to is that to get Notre Dame, you really had to go there. Which you probably didn’t (it’s like, really hard to get in).
Integrity. Charity. Faith. Humility. Gold. Our choirs are singin’, our helmets are blingin’. What’s not to love?
So like I said, there’s a lot of baloney out there about Notre Dame. Don’t believe a scrap of it for a millisecond. No, we won’t win the College Football Playoff this year. But we’re still better than you. Say it with me now: Go Irish!
Zach Przystup (zprzystup@gmail.com) works for the Fulbright Program at the U.S. Department of State.