As sweaty fans pushed up against one another, clutching their drinks and swaying to the music, Annie Clark, known professionally as St. Vincent, was being transported.

She recounts that surprise concert in May at the Paramount, an intimate, historic East Los Angeles venue, as a kind of “exorcism” that allowed the singer, songwriter and guitar virtuoso to channel something she doesn’t ordinarily have access to.

As the Grammy winner stood on stage and hypnotically manipulated her guitar, Clark spat on the crowd — a welcomed gesture — before leaping into it to be propelled around the room, something artists with her caliber of fame rarely do. The show was a preview for what was to come during her recently launched All Born Screaming tour.

This interview with Clark has been edited for clarity and length.

Q: I saw your recent show at the Paramount and was struck by how much you lean into the theater of performing live music. I’m curious when you start thinking about that aspect of a tour.

A: Well, it’s interesting that you bring up the Paramount and theatrics because there were no theatrics. Like that was just a full primal moment. … I kind of go into a little bit of a fugue state when I’m performing. Like something else takes over that I don’t have access to in my normal day to day. And the spitting, for example, like sometimes singing is very, like, visceral. And sometimes you just need to spit in order to, like, I don’t know, clear your mouth to keep singing. It’s not like a bit or anything like that. There’s just something so primal about playing in general that it’s just like everything comes out.

Q: Does the size of the venue play into that?

A: Oh yeah, you go more. In a 200-cap punk club, you’re like, “The Germs played here,” you know? I started off playing small clubs and would be lucky to like drive to Denver and be psyched to have like 200 people in a club. So you know it, in a certain way, really excites me and takes me back. … I mean, listen, I love performing in any context except like karaoke or unsolicited at a party with an acoustic guitar. It’s kind of an exorcism for me.

Q: Can you talk about your relationship to punk music and what it means to you?

A: I’m a fan of music with a capital F. So I can be as moved by Fugazi and Big Black as I can by Duke Ellington. And it’s all music to me. But I definitely remember seeing Lightning Bolt a lot of times. And obviously this ethos of just like it’s not a stage and performer. We are all one. Also, you didn’t really see the show if you didn’t get like an injury of some kind. I am physical in that way. Just this idea of like a loud, visceral show where we are all in this together. This isn’t about, you know, glitter and capitalism. This is about people having a place to freak the (expletive) out.

Aug. 18 birthdays: Actor Robert Redford is 88. Drummer Dennis Elliott is 74. Comedian Elayne Boosler is 72. Actor Denis Leary is 67. Singer Zac Maloy is 56. Actor Edward Norton is 55. Actor Christian Slater is 55. Actor Malcolm-Jamal Warner is 54. Actor Kaitlin Olson is 49. Comedian Andy Samberg is 46. Actor Madelaine Petsch is 30.